Thursday, August 25, 2011

Savour the Pontiac - Aug 21, 2011

Thanks to Pontiac Municipality for organizing the "Savour the Pontiac" via Action Pontiac Group. Glad I was able to see a few of the vendors and do some taste testing. I was able to take a few pics before the torrential rains fell early in the afternoon and dampened all our spirits.
You can see more pics and read more about the day on the Action Pontiac blog

The Agricultural Hall (aka Elvis Building) was a great place to show our art.

A canine visitor I just couldn't resist taking a photo of.

These guys made great food.....and to boot - it was free.

These guys were great!

My car just before going to decorate the hall for Savour the Pontiac.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Picnic in the Park - July 30, 2011

Picnic in the Park was hosted by the Waterfront Revitalization

Afternoon and evening festivities iincluded music, entertainment, displays by some local artists. Latest news on the Waterfront Revitalization Project iinclude plans for a new Community Centre and Boardwalk. 

For donations  please contact:

Kerry-Lynn O'Connell-Campbell at (819) 458-1780 or 

Entertainers included:

- House Band: Lorne Daley Band
- Friends in Harmony
- Daley Family
- Johanne Dubeau
- Gail Gavan
- Mick Armitage 
- Mike Fahey
- Ronnie Trudeau
- Dennis Alexander
July 31, 20119:00 - Mayor's Breakfast
All proceeds going towards the Heritage Boardwalk Committee and the Waterfront Revitalization Committee. 

 Some muscians in the line-up

Spectators of all ages - from young to old.


Paintings created by Cathy Dolan

Artist Shannon Purcell



Midnight Stroll by Cheryl Dolan              Admiring his purchase.

Friends in Harmony and Gail Gavan

Lorne Daley
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Thumbs up from Lloyd!

Everyone enjoyed the picnic!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

On the River near Fitzroy Harbour

No matter when you go on the Ottawa River, you can always manage to see wildlife.  Here are a couple of nature shots near Fitzroy Harbour and the hydro dam.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Value Mart Opens

So glad Value Mart opened up again finally and the strike is over. There was a free BBQ, face painting, balloons and music. I was there when Gail Gavan was singing.
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

How the Irish Celebrate St. Patrick's Day 2011

 My Mom, her friend Pam and I never miss the entertainment at Gavan's

Will you Marry Me?

The first proposal I ever seen at the Legion at St. Paddy's Day.
Congratulations Lindsay and James! 

The girls from Dunrobin join the Pontiacers!